Plasticity refers to the variation in phenotypes under certain environmental conditions. This means that
one genotype can translate into multiple phenotypes based on the environment. Phenotypic plasticity is widespread in nature, and can significantly alter the relationship between organisms and their [abiotic and biotic] environment1.
Figure 1 shows how juvenile grasshoppers (S. lineata) express density-dependent phenotypic plasticity in coloration.
The evolution of plasticity
The profile of phenotypes produced by a genotype across environments is known as the “norm of reaction”. It is often described by a curve that relates the contribution of environmental variation to the observed phenotype.

Why are amphibians a good model for evolutionary studies, particularly plasticity?

First, they have a biphasic life cycle in which the developing embryonic and larval forms are directly associated with aquatic environments. Post-development, they emerge from these aquatic systems to become terrestrial breeding adults [there are cases in which this biphasic cycle does not hold true – e.g. Pacific Giant Salamanders!]. This lifestyle requires the individual to be adaptive to multiple interacting ecosystems within a single lifetime; making them both extremely vulnerable, and yet resilient, to environmental change.
Second, amphibian skin is highly permeable and their eggs can readily absorb substances from the environment due to lack of a hard shell. They are able to absorb water and oxygen directly through their skin, thus their reliance on moist environments to prevent desiccation. Because of their permeability in all life stages, amphibians are extremely vulnerable to environmental contamination via pesticides, herbicides, disease, and other contaminants, and are consequently used as indicators of ecosystem health. Their tendency to dry up like a prune in the absence of moisture and their ectothermic life histories make them additionally vulnerable to climatic changes in precipitation and temperature.
Ecologists have long been interested in the way in which environmental factors influence the growth and development of amphibians. So what are the factors that go into making the decision of when and how quickly to metamorphose?
· Temperature
· Hydroperiod
· Resource levels
· Competition
· Predation
· Water quality
Amphibians have been documented plastically increasing larval development rate in response to increases in these environmental stressors. Fascinating! Let’s look at some examples of phenotypic plasticity in amphibians, and discuss why this is relevant.
Examples of phenotypic plasticity in amphibians...

Couch’s Spadefoot (Scaphiopus couchii)
In Southern Arizona’s hot desert environment, there is strong selection pressure on these tadpoles to increase rates of development and minimize the length of development since the late summer monsoon season is so short. In addition to the short wet season, tadpole densities are often very high and there is considerable competition for limited food resources. When temperatures become exceedingly high and the ponds begin to dry, these toads will plastically increase their development rate to emerge as juveniles before food, space, and water runs out3.

Plains Leopard Frog (Rana blairi) and Southern Leopard Frog (Rana sphenocephala)
The effect of hydroperiod on larval growth, development, and survival was used to assess response to a drying aquatic environment for both of these species. The Plains Leopard Frog occurs throughout the Great Plains and into the Midwest. Declines have been reported throughout its range, largely due to the conversion of wetlands to agriculture. The Southern Leopard Frog is found throughout the Southeastern US and is known to be very adaptable to many freshwater habitats.

Interestingly, regardless of their broad distributions and generalist tendencies, both species plastically reduced larval period lengths when exposed to a drying environment4. Thus, we are noticing much diversity in the types of amphibians able to adjust their life histories in response to changing environmental conditions.

Mole Salamander (Ambystoma talpoideum)
Much less work has been done on responses of salamander larvae to pond drying, in part because most salamanders do not breed in highly ephemeral habitats. One of the only detailed experimental studies to date involved the effect of pond drying on larval development in Mole Salamanders, a species that breeds in the Carolina bays and other shallow temporary ponds. Reproductive success varied spatially and temporally, but most larval mortality occurred in those ponds that dried early. Individuals able to rapidly metamorphose before pond drying were significantly smaller than their relatives who were ‘living it up’ in constant water5. Thus, trade-offs may exist in a species ability to plastically respond to environmental stress and maintain the necessary growth trajectories to sustain life on land.
What about amphibians of the Pacific Northwest? Can plastic traits make some species more adaptable to rapid environmental change (i.e. Climate Change)?
In the Pacific Northwest, changes to freshwater ecosystems as a result of climate change are predicted to increase amphibian extinction rates and impose new challenges for conservationists6. The consequences of shifting climate conditions (e.g. earlier snowmelt, higher ambient temperatures, and variable precipitations patters) on amphibian populations utilizing freshwater systems occur concomitantly with other environmental stressors such as disease, UV-B radiation, and invasive species.
Climate models predict extreme seasonal cycles that will lead to decreased water availability in the Pacific Northwest due to declining snowpack levels and significant temperature increases7. This trend is most pronounced in the Cascade Mountain Range, which will likely see substantial alterations in regional hydrology8. For high-elevation amphibian species, these effects combined with extreme UV-B conditions, are expected to result in population declines and/or species range shifts9. However, many amphibian species are able to plastically alter life history traits, such as breeding phenology and larval development rate, and thus may exhibit optimal strategies for resisting synergistic environmental stressors.
Who are the players?
I am using a combination of field surveys, experiments, and modeling to provide a comprehensive analysis of the interactive effects of temperature, hydroperiod, and other environmental stressors on a high-elevation, geographically-restricted amphibian assemblage. This amphibian group consists of four high-elevation species that vary in taxonomic diversity, habitat use, and conservation issues: Cascades Frog (Rana cascadae), Western Toad (Bufo boreas), Pacific Chorus Frog (Pseudacris regilla), and Long-toed Salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) (see Figure 4 for distribution maps).

How can we test plasticity in response to climate change?
I want to determine if the combination of these stressors results in non-intuitive responses in species distribution, abundance, and larval development. In other words, can this group of amphibians plastically increase larval development rates in a drying environment with multiple environmental stressors making their situation even worse? Based on this answer and available climate models, I can determine how their distributions and abundances will change at the landscape-level throughout the Cascade Range.
I predict that amphibian diversity will be associated with seasonal water availability and that species with plastic larval development rates will be more resilient to the synergistic impacts of climate change and other environmental stressors, thus persisting in predicted refugia.
To test these predictions I am using 3 distinct methodologies:
- Field surveys to document presence and absence of amphibian species throughout the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington. Occupancy patterns of sites with varied seasonal water retention (i.e. ephemeral) will be compared to permanent waterbodies in the same watershed. Data collection over multiple breeding seasons will allow me to test for correlations between species occupancy and habitat characteristics.
- A mesocosm experiment to test if larvae can plastically increase development rate in response to synergistic stressors. Treatments with multiple stressors (especially high UV-B radiation levels and ephemeral hydroperiods) are expected to result in rapid development but smaller body size at metamorphosis and decreased survivorship, compared to treatments with a single stressor.
- Bioclimatic envelope models to predict climate-driven changes in ecological conditions and amphibian species distributions in the Cascades. Baseline temperature and hydroperiod conditions will be established using temperature and pressure sensors throughout high-elevation breeding sites (deployed during initial field survey). I will then integrate historical and real time climate data from the PRISM and SNOTEL datasets into a RHESSys model to predict water fluxes as a result of changes in seasonal snowpack. I will also apply a bioclimatic model to define the abiotic conditions (climate envelope) in which each of the 4 representative species can exist based on parameter estimates from the mesocosm experiment and modeled occupancy patterns.
Management Implications and the future of PNW amphibian species…
Montane studies on global amphibian population decline have generally been scarce and poorly documented, but show a general trend in range contractions upward in elevation and latitude. The rapid loss of habitable climate space has resulted in a disproportionate number of extinctions in mountain-restricted amphibian species11. Consequently the lack of available information on species susceptibility and adaptability confers the need for rapid data acquisition and the immediate implementation of conservation measures.
By incorporating multiple modeling and experimental techniques, I will highlight the feasibility and effectiveness of fast-tracking the application of general adaptive management principles targeted towards freshwater ecosystems. Results from this project will provide a diverse assessment of multi-species differences in synergistic stress response and contribute a baseline analysis of the future of geographically-restricted species in the Pacific Northwest.

Garcia Lab Website, OSU Dept. of Fisheries & Wildlife
- Miner, B.G., et al. 2005. Ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticity. TREE 20(12): 685-692.
- Via, S. and R. Lande. 1985. Genotype-environment interaction and the evolution of phenotypic plasticity. Evolution 39(3) 505-522.
- Newman, R. A. 1988. Adaptive plasticity in development of Scaphiopus couchii tadpoles in desert ponds. Evolution 42: 774-783.
- Parris, M.J. 2000. Experimental analysis of hybridization in leopard frogs (Anura: Ranidae) larval performance in desiccating environments. Copeia 2000: 11-19.
- Semlitsch, R.D., and H.M. Wilbur. 1988. Effects of pond drying time on metamorphosis and survival in the salamander Ambystoma talpoideum. Copeia 1988: 978-983.
- Nel, J., et al. 2009. Progress and challenges in freshwater conservation planning. Aquatic Conserv: Mar. Freshw. Ecosyst. 19: 474–485.
- Mote, P. and E. Salathé. 2010. Future climate in the Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change 102: 29-50.
- Mote, P. 2003. Trends in snow water equivalent in the Pacific Northwest and their climatic causes. Geophys Res Lett 30: 1601-1604.
- Blaustein, A., et al. 2010. Direct and Indirect Effects of Climate Change on Amphibian Populations. Diversity 2: 281-313.
- Blackburn, et al. (2001) US Amphibian Dist. Maps (http://home.bsu.edu/home/00mjlannoo/)
- Parmesan, C. 2006. Ecological and Evolutionary Responses to Recent Climate ChangeAnnu. Rev. Ecol. Evol. Syst. 37: 637–69
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ReplyDeleteThis is fascinating to me. I am currently working on applying for a PhD program in development with the plan of focusing on the plasticity of pre-natal development.
ReplyDeleteLooking at amphibians is interesting. Being constantly exposed to your environment would make not only the early stages of development the most at risk, but the entire life cycle. Do you find that there are still more crucial times in development effected by environmental factor or is it exposer over the long term?
I am wondering. Does this speeding up of development in some species effect their overall fitness?
I have heard that as the environment is concerned that amphibians act like canaries in the mine shaft and that the amphibians are suffering. Which is strange that they say that but there are not many studies done on amphibians.
ReplyDeleteI have never read anything that mentioned how the early stages of life affect the rest of the animals life.
I read in your post that predation is an influencing environmental factor on growth and development. I was wondering if the predation on amphibians has increased and if that has caused a shift into quicker sexual maturity among amphibians?
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ReplyDeleteI knew that the spadefoot toads had short development cycles, but I had always assumed that this was mostly due to a genetic evolutionary constraint by evolving in an arid environment. I had no idea that the development of amphibians was so plastic in regards to the environmental component of development.
ReplyDeleteAfter reading this post I realize that it makes sense that the development time of amphibians would be plastic. Amphibians are intimately tied with an aquatic environment and there are weather cycles on the microscale that change from year to year, i.e. , El Nino, making the aquatic environment variable. It will be interesting to see how the other environmental factors you mentioned in your post have impact on the plasticity of different pacific northwest species.
Plasticity of a species is always a good thing especially in of light of the potential threat of climate change. Do you expect that these amphibian species will be less affected by climate change than other species in the pacific northwest because they do exhibit plasticity? Also I am curious to know if amphibians show any plasticity in later parts of their life history or is it just during earlier developmental stages? If adults are not as plastic to climate change annual cohorts could be drastically decreased even if tadepole plasticity results in higher survivorship. You also mention that amphibian eggs are more susceptible to environmental contamination because they do not have a hard calcium shell for protection. Could increasing pH of water have harmful affect on eggs? Another effect of global warming that could potentially harm early stages of amphibians is decreasing oxygen in water. As water warms amount of dissolved oxygen decreases. So even if the eggs and tadepoles developement quicker their survivorship may be decreased because there is not enough available oxygen in the water.
ReplyDeleteYour study stimulates alot of questions, which reflects its importance. Studies, like this, that aim to predict the future outcomes of climate change on species are essential for knowing how to guide conservation efforts. Some amphibian populations have already suffered from heavy environmental pollution, so lets hope that this study will shed light on whether or not climate change will lead to increasing declines or species extinctions. -S Ferber
Sorry for the delayed responses!
ReplyDeleteJohn asked, "Do you find that there are still more crucial times in development effected by environmental factor or is it exposer over the long term?"
There are many species for which exposure at the time of hatching is a critical point in determining their develpomental trajectory. For these species, the instant they become developing tadpoles marks their journey through a myriad of environmental stressors including increased susceptibility to predation, disease, competition, and abiotic stressors such as temperature fluctuations and UV-B radiation.
John also asked, "Does this speeding up of development in some species effect their overall fitness?"
Yes, unfortunately a lot of individuals develop so quickly that they emerge as relatively smaller metamorphs (terrestrial juveniles) because they have not had a sufficient amount of time to store resources and allocate additional energy to prolonged growth and development.
Nathan asked, "If predation on amphibians has increased and if that has caused a shift into quicker sexual maturity among amphibians?"
I do not know if predation results in an increase in the rate to sexual maturity, but development into terrestrial juveniles and adults can be accelerated when the density of predators becomes a significant stressor on the developing tadpoles.
S. Ferber asked, "Do you expect that these amphibian species will be less affected by climate change than other species in the pacific northwest because they do exhibit plasticity?"
I am hoping that amphibians capable of plastically increasing their development rate in a drying and warming environment will persist in the face of climate change. There is the potential for these species to rapidly adapt. Unfortunately, those species (like the Cascades Frog) who are tied to very specific temperature and water-level conditions may not be capable of rapidly adapting. These species may experience population declines.
"I am curious to know if amphibians show any plasticity in later parts of their life history or is it just during earlier developmental stages?"
From what I understand, environmental stressors on adults have one of 2 outcomes: mortality or survival. Those that can survive may ultimately experience greater reproductive potential. If those individuals are more capable of adapting to climate change and that adaptability confers greater fitness, then their traits should pass on to their progeny. I am not sure if adult reproductive success is a plastic trait, I am assuming it is not heritable even though it can be evolvable.
"Could increasing pH of water have harmful affect on eggs?"
I am not familiar with any studies that examined pH, specifically. I would expect that decreasing pH (increasing acidity) would have a larger affect on amphibians. Oxygen concentrations are very important in developing embryos. Their jelly coat maintains the oxygen balance within the egg and is largely determined by the oxygen conditions in the aquatic environment.
You should also look into the affects of oxygen availability on lungless salamanders (Plethodontids), it's very interesting!
Thanks for your great questions, everyone!